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Finance Software Developer

Large Wreath

job introduction

We write programs to automate processes and enhance user experiences. Some examples include; auto-generate reports, auto-allocate manpower, easy-to-use interfaces, hassle-free installations. We must test our program to ensure the desired outcome is met. To avoid miscommunication and misaligned expectations, we must think through the coding process and clarify any doubts effectively. 

Our performance is evaluated based on the quantity, quality, and difficulty of projects we handled throughout the year. Depending on the company, you may be provided with technical help whenever you need it. Otherwise, you need to spend most of your time researching, testing, and verifying to get a solution. Managing deadline and working under stress can be common.

Depending on your work's complexity, you need at least a diploma in IT or related engineering fields. You will be required to know programming languages for front-end and/or back-end. Your ability to understand, discuss and implement the architecture of the program is very sought-after. Experience plays a huge part in your salary and having a good portfolio is essential. 

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