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Training (Indoor Cleaning)

Large Wreath

Brought to you by:

WE Development

Large Wreath

Content written by:

WE Development

Last Updated:

9 June 2021 at 2:50:11 am

Image by Daniel Mirlea
Job Process

Equipping the employees with the right cleaning skills and knowledge.

1) Before hiring, we will conduct profiling of the applicant and two rounds of a hands-on interview;

  • Cleaning based on applicants’ prior knowledge and work ethics

  • After round 1, we will teach them the standard procedures and techniques to help them clean more efficiently

  • Round 2 will test their ability to adapt and execute the standard procedures and techniques informed to them

2) After each successful hiring, we will train the newcomers through a 5-day program. The newcomers must fulfill the requirement of the training checklist before being allocated to the residential site. Otherwise, they must redo the program. During the training, we will introduce them to the;

  • Logistics and equipment involved in the cleaning services and their uses; This means providing them the chance to hands-on, use and familiarise with these equipment.

  • Areas of typical residential units, including the rooms and common areas and what to look out for during cleaning

  • Cleaning methodology and techniques

  • Quality assurance including the;

  • Checklist on specific areas after service completion

  • Areas that customers are more particular of

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