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Tradeshow preparation (Machinery Sales)

Large Wreath

Brought to you by:

WE Development

Large Wreath

Content written by:

WE Development

Last Updated:

8 June 2021 at 4:21:17 am

Image by Daniel Mirlea
Job Process

Participating as an exhibitor in our industry's reputable tradeshow helps to build our market presence and generate useful leads.

Here are a few good practices to host a good tradeshow;

1) Marketing team will usually manage the liaising and acquiring of the booths and getting the designs done.

Occasionally, we are required to help give opinions on the layout, especially when we showcase our machines and/or products. Furthermore, other attractions such as vending machines, beer counter, VIP rooms and more.

We may also help to think and source for booth attractions and door gifts to boost brand awareness. An area of 12 square meters in a trade show can easily cost up to SGD30,000, and it varies with the number of days and the type of event.

2) When nearing the event dates, we will invite our existing customers and industry leaders to visit our booth. Depending on the company, your management may agree to pay for the visitor's flight and lodging.

We will also take this chance to reconnect with close business partners. At the same time, we will showcase our new improvements on our machines' functionalism and designs.

3) Sometimes, we may create a VIP room to host our close partners. New functions and capabilities of our machines shall then be revealed. This will show the customer how important they are and demonstrate our commitment to product improvisation.

4) I will usually pass the collected name cards to my technical engineers after each event to follow up and understand customers' requirements. For some companies, they may give it to their sales engineer to follow up.

If there is an interested customer and would like to know more about the pricing, I will make an online or phone call to discuss further.

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