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Do you have the qualities to be a student leader?

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WE Development

Large Wreath

Content written by:

Christy Lee

Last Updated:

9 June 2021 at 2:57:46 am

Image by Daniel Mirlea

Being a leader is far more than possessing the authority to make decisions.

Leadership plays a crucial role in the growth of oneself, others, and in an organisation.  Everyone will eventually be leaders in their ways. It is critical for students who have yet to realise their leadership potential to recognise it to step up to bring positive influence to their community. Here are four behaviours of a leader!

1) Self-initiative

2) People Development

3) See problems as opportunities

4) Having a vision

1) Self-initiative

- When everyone else is restless and not enthusiastic for an event, or do not have a direction during teamwork, are you often the one who will usually step up to initiate an idea as a starting point?

- Have you put forth your ideas and thoughts with confidence and managed to gain support and trust from your team members or friends?

- If yes, you are showing self-initiation. This key leadership quality encourages progress and influences others to similarly put in effort to make great things happen.

- A leader does not just initiate and leave. A leader suggests ideas, listens to different perspectives, and ensures that the plan is followed through to realise the desired outcome.

2) People Development

- Do you possess the growth mindset and would like your team members and yourself to learn and grow through the experience together?

- Do you often guide your peers, share skills, and provide insightful perspectives with them so that they gain new learning points?

- If these apply to you, you have the leadership quality of growing and nurturing people, hoping that the people will improve and become better at the things they do.

3) See problems as opportunities

- When problems arise, you do not run away from them. Instead, you face them with courage and lead your team to overcome it together.

- You are a leader who sees difficulties as a challenge that can make your team stronger upon solving it.

- Such leaders influence others to develop perseverance by not giving up and find ways to resolve problems and potentially turning them into opportunities!

4) Having a vision

- In your Co-curricular Activities (CCA) or your class, have you proposed an ideal state for the team that you envision will be useful for everyone?

- Alternatively, do you have the vision to create something that could make positive changes? Such as improving quality of life, creating something that people enjoy, or to conduct research and implementation to make breakthrough advancement

- Having the ability to analyse and create a vision of these three qualities, Beneficial, Realistic, and Feasible, is very important to make positive changes.

- If you already possess these three qualities above, you are already embarking on a continuous leadership journey towards further developing and honing relevant skills!

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