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Digest course materials (Tertiary Education)

Large Wreath

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WE Development

Large Wreath

Content written by:

WE Development

Last Updated:

9 June 2021 at 2:40:06 am

Image by Daniel Mirlea
Job Process

I will have to internalise the course material and find ways to deliver the class to maximise my student's learning.

1) If I teach the module for the first time, I will go through the entire package in the perspective of the student by;

- Solving problems in each activity

- Trying every single question in the worksheet to identify difficulties and challenges students might face

- Reading through course materials to identify key topics that are both interesting and useful for the lesson

2) I will generally plan lesson by lesson to ensure my class delivery is adjusted to the changes of the students in the class, such as;

- Attentiveness

- Behavior

- Interests

- Learning capabilities 

3) I will plan for videos, pictures, and stories to ensure a topic is delivered in an interesting and engaging manner.

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