How to stand up against bullies?
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WE Development
Content written by:
Sophie Ong
Last Updated:
9 June 2021 at 2:59:25 am

Why should it be me to suffer?? We understood you, and we create this content to help you!
The four types of bullying we are discussing here;
- Cyber Bullying
- Physical Bullying
- Verbal Bullying
- Sexual Bullying
1) Cyber Bullying
Types of cyberbullying
- Posting hurtful remarks and photos about you online
- Spreading sensitive information about you without permission
- Pretending to be you and ruining your reputation
You may feel helpless, overwhelmed, and have decreasing self-esteem.
When you continuously worry about what others think, you could start finding excuses to stay away from family and friends.
----- What should I do? -----
- Speak to someone you trust when you feel uncomfortable
- Do not attempt to retaliate online
- Report and block the bullies. They may get banned or have the post removed
- Stay safe by setting your account private so that you will be able to control the people who can access it
2) Physical Bullying
Injuries, torn clothing, or damaged belongings are common signs of physical bullying.
Since bullies are threatening, you may become anxious and avoid places they are at even if they are not around.
You may be unable to sleep as you continuously fear them or afraid to attend school.
----- What should I do? -----
Be equipped with simple self-defense techniques to protect yourself. Know that you deserve to be respected.
Report the bullying behavior to a teacher you feel comfortable to speak. If not, parents. Have trusted witnesses to help you if possible. When speaking to teachers or parents, let them know your sufferings first so they can feel the impact how bully had affected you.
3) Social Bullying
Types of social bullying:
- Name-calling
- Being excluded from a group
- Hearing false rumors about yourself
- Stolen personal belongings and mockery
You may be mixing with the wrong group. Your friends should make you feel comfortable in the group, support you, and respect you as an individual.
----- What should I do? -----
- Let the bullies know how they are affecting you
- Do take note of personal safety
- If need be, leave the group
Additionally, you may want to report their behavior if it persists
Most importantly, surround yourself with people who respect you and appreciate your company.
4) Sexual Bullying
Types of sexual bullying;
- Sexualized comments about physical appearance
- Sexualized comments about you with another person
- Bringing up sexualized and unwelcomed topics purposely in front of you
- Unwanted physical contact or obscene gestures used
You may feel insulted, powerless, and even violated when dealing with such situations.
----- What should I do? -----
- You must know that this is not your fault and there are trustable people who can help you!
- Walk away when you feel uncomfortable.
- You should never keep this issue to yourself - Report the bullying behavior to a teacher you feel comfortable to speak. If not, parents. If possible, have trusted witnesses to help you. When speaking to teachers or parents, let them know your sufferings first so they can feel the impact how bully had affected you.
Additional Tip
Always remember! As a victim, this is not your fault.
You must acknowledge that you are being bullied and need help.
Even though this impacts your life significantly, you must not give up but grow stronger than before!
"Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life." ― J.K. Rowling
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