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How to do well for my early-admission exercise (EAE) interview?

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Content written by:

Sophie Ong

Last Updated:

9 June 2021 at 2:51:26 am

Image by Daniel Mirlea

I am really interested to enter this course! I need to do well! How!?

EAE is essential for students who know which course they would like to enter in polytechnic. The interview is an important part which will affect your EAE application greatly. Here are 4 ways you can work towards;

1) First Impression

2) General Knowledge

3) Portfolio

4) Consult

1) First Impression

i) The first impression is the thought that the interviewer has on you when you first step into the interview room.

ii) The first thing they will look at is your outfit. Be neatly dressed, preferably in business casual or your school uniform which is a safer choice. Ensure that your hair is tidy and you reach the interview at least 15 minutes earlier so that you will not be rushing and perspiring. 

iii) Appearing confident is important as this portrays a positive impression to the interviewer. You may do so mentality telling yourself that "I should not slouch" and start to sit and stand straight before the interview. Posture plays a significant role in our mental performance and how others perceive us.

2) General Knowledge

i) Have some general knowledge on your course that you apply for, it does not have to be too in depth but must show that you are serious about the course you applied for and you are knowledgeable in it. "Immerse yourself in the course."

ii) Do some research online and read up about your course. For example, if you are applying for a business course, read up on famous entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Jack Ma. Explain why they inspired you and how they have influenced you in your interest of the course.

iii) Research from credible sources and be sure about what you speak. The interviewers are teachers and are knowledgeable, hence, the things you present about have to be actual facts

3) Portfolio

i) Your portfolio should show that you have relevant experiences with the course. This includes

- volunteering work 

- certificates that you acquire inside or outside of school 

- present your medals as well and talk about the leadership roles you hold in school 

Therefore, it is important you prepare for EAE way before. 

ii) This will help you to stand out from everyone else especially if it is a group interview. This shows how you can add value to the polytechnic and your ability to excel.

4) Consult

i) Consult your teachers about your write up for EAE. Reach out to them for advices and good-to-have tips that you can improve and perform well both in portfolio and in actual interview.

ii) Consult your friends or seniors who are in the course that you applied for or have went through EAE. The questions which came out during the interview may most likely be similar. Use those questions to prepare yourself.

If you would like to learn more about EAE, check out the content from our partner; INTplus10 in the "You may also like" section below!

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