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COVID19 affects our job, here are the ways to help you!

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Brought to you by:

CEO Chronicles

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Content written by:

Venkatraman Sheshashayee

Last Updated:

9 June 2021 at 2:56:25 am

Image by Daniel Mirlea

In this pandemic, job security becomes a question. 

To help you deal with this issue, Shesh has 2 articles to share so you have more tools to assist you!

CEO Chronicles # 32 : Five Weapons To Deal with The Post-Pandemic World Click here to read the main article

CEO Chronicles # 33 : How To Survive A Crisis And Win! Click here to read the main article

Who should read: One who wants to be well-prepared to handle any challenges faced at the workplace, particularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Learning outcome: Understand the importance of expecting the unexpected and learn the 5 key strategies to employ to be able to deal with workplace challenges posed by the pandemic effectively


The CEO Chronicles collection is a unique collation of articles by an experienced professional and CEO that  provides professionals with fresh insights in both life and career using short stories and anecdotes to deliver learnings. 

To connect with Shesh, the author of this article, click here!

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